English Language Anxiety

Case Study in Early Childhood Education Teachers


  • Hanafi Hanafi Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Asti Bhawika Adwitiya Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember




Language anxiety, EFL, Language anxietyearly childhood education


English as lingua franca has aroused the demand to include English in early childhood education curriculum, while most of the teachers experienced English Language Anxiety symptoms. In PAUD J, English material had been delivered to the students but the practice itself needs a lot of improvements. One of the factors hindering the improvements is the teachers English Language Anxiety. This study aimed to explore deeper into the teacher’s English language anxiety that hinder their performance to deliver English to their class proficiently. Case study method with observation and interview was conducted to collect data from three early childhood education (ECE) teachers. The result of this study was that the ECE teachers participating in this study experience an anxiety regarding English language that they must deliver to their students. There are three themes discussed in this study, namely (1) the manifestation of their English Language Anxiety., (2) confidence in their English proficiency, and (3) prior exposure to English


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