Improving the Speaking Skills of Junior High School Students Through the Role Play Method


  • Aulia Ikhsan Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Nur Rifai Akhsan Ahmad Dahlan University



Role-play, Improve, English speaking skills


This study aims to help teachers improve students' speaking skills by using learning methods that are expected to increase students' interest in learning and students' speaking skills. English is the language most widely mastered and used by people around the world in various sectors such as politics, economics, education and so on. English is also a globally recognized language as an international language. The ability to master English is mostly judged by how proficient a person can communicate using English, therefore many people practice to be able to master this skill. However, English speaking skills in education in Indonesia are still under-appreciated, when compared to other aspects of English skills such as reading and writing. To overcome this, it is recommended to use role-play because it can increase the fun in learning and make it easier for students to learn to communicate with someone or a group using English. The method I use in this research is Role Play, with the subject of class VIII junior high school students. Collecting data using observation and tests. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The results showed that the average score of students before the use of role-play was 57.3 which then increased in the first cycle with an average score of 66.7 with an increase of 14%. Then the second cycle was carried out which showed the average score of students to be 77 with an increase of 12.7% from the first cycle.


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