The Influence of Application of Community of Inquiry (CoI) in Blend-ed Learning


  • Dwiana Binti Yulianti Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
  • Ana Maghfiroh Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo



Influence, Community of Inquiry (CoI), blended learning


The teaching and learning process must be able to foster student independence and activeness so that students do not depend on the teacher in understanding the material. The teacher center learning method is not able to foster the active role of students in learning so that the method must shift to become student-centered. The student center learning method supported by blended learning facilitates students to explore their knowledge actively and independently. Community of Inquiry (CoI) can be applied to blended learning to create more interactive and innovative learning. This study intends to ascertain the influence of implementing Community of Inquiry (CoI) on Blended Learning. This research is a literature study. Data collection was carried out by reviewing and digging up several journals, articles, data sources and also various information related to research. Data analysis was carried out by analyzing and comparing library sources to obtain theoretical data. The study's findings suggest that the application of Community of Inquiry (CoI) has an influence on: 1) increasing student motivation, 2) improving student learning outcomes, 3) problem solving ability, and 4) increasing student understanding. Therefore, it can be said that the application of Community of Inquiry (CoI) on blended learning is a framework designed to offer independent, active, and collaborative learning methods


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