Swot Analysis As A Basis For An Effective Strategy For Cctv Installation Services Business (Case Study at CV. CBS)


  • Muhdar Muhdar Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala




SWOT analysis, Strategy, Business


This research aims to determine the company's internal factors, internal and external factors faced by the company and the application of SWOT analysis which can formulate an effective strategy for the CV company. CBS CCTV Banyuwangi.               The population studied in this research were Managers, Employees and Consumers of CV. CBS Banyuwangi, which understands directly and indirectly the company's internal and external factors. Data collection methods use observation, interviews and documentation studies. The analysis methods used are the SAP analysis method, ETOP analysis method, and SWOT analysis method. Based on the results of the analysis, there are several strategies that need to be carried out, namely: the company must carry out a joint venture with several similar companies with the aim of pooling resources to carry out certain economic activities or projects simultaneously, the company must make cost savings and narrow down the business and this aims to strengthen its superiority. which distinguishes the distinctive competences owned by the company


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