The Influence of Organizational Culture, Commitment, Compensation, and Work Ethic on Employee Performance at Djoglo Larisso Jember


  • Nanda Kusuma Febriyansyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Trias Setyowati Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Septy Holisa Umamy Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



Commitment, Compensation, Employee Performance, Organizational Culture, Work Ethic


This research aims to comprehensively analyze the impact of organizational culture, commitment, compensation, and work ethic on employee performance at Djoglo Larisso Jember. Employing a quantitative approach and correlational research design, the entire employee population (n=32) at Djoglo Larisso participated. The findings reveal that each independent variable, namely organizational culture, commitment, compensation, and work ethic, significantly influences employee performance both partially and simultaneously. The collective influence of these factors on employee performance at Djoglo Larisso underscores their interdependence. This study concludes that, when addressed collectively, these elements significantly contribute to the enhancement of employee performance. The practical implication emphasizes the imperative for culinary business owners to holistically incorporate and manage these factors to fortify the competitiveness and sustainability of their ventures in the highly competitive culinary industry. Further research may delve into more detailed strategies for the effective implementation of these variables in the culinary context, fostering a deeper understanding of their nuanced impact.


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