The Impact of Work Motivation, Work Discipline, Work Culture and Work Environment on Employee Performance at Ambulu Village Office


  • Fraya Ani Azizah Darmawanty Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Wahyu Eko Setianingsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Tatit Diansari Reskiputri Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



Work Inspiration, work discipline, Performance, Workplace Culture, Environment


The reason for this study is to decide the effect of work inspiration, work discipline, work culture, and workplace on representative execution at the Ambulu Town Office. This kind of exploration involves quantitative strategies and the quantity of tests in this review is 30 respondents, the examining strategy utilized is immersed testing or enumeration. Validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, T tests, and R2 tests are the analytical tools utilized in this study. Work motivation, discipline, culture, and the work environment all have a positive and significant impact on employee performance at the Ambulu Village Office, according to this study's findings, which are significant at a level of 0.05%. This should be visible in light of the consequences of the coefficient of assurance (R²) test that the four autonomous factors influence representative execution at the Ambulu Town Office by 84.1% and the leftover 15.9% are affected by different factors.


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