Pesantrenpreneur: Realise the Economic Independence of Pesantren

Field Study at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Al-Islam Paleran


  • Dhofir Catur Bashori Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Hasna’ Huwaida Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



Muhammadiyah Boarding School, Pesantren Independence, Pesantrenpreuner


The development of Islam in Indonesia cannot be separated from the development of pesantren education. In fact, pesantren education was born earlier than formal education such as schools or madrasas. Islamic boarding school itself is unique when compared to other formal education systems. The independence of pesantren in the economic field has enormous and sustainable potential if it can be managed properly. This can be seen from the number of students in a pesantren and the number of their needs. If the pesantren can provide and fulfil the basic needs of the students, then this condition can be a great economic potential for the pesantren. Especially if the pesantren can enlarge the market by producing a certain product and circulating it to the community outside the pesantren, the economic potential of the pesantren is even greater. One of the pesantren that develops this economic potential is Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Al-Islam Paleran. Muhammadiyah Boarding School Al-Islam Paleran is one of the institutions under Muhammadiyah that implements the pesantren system. MBS has several business units that are managed directly by the students, ranging from cooperative business units to processed food products that are marketed to the general public. Some of these business units are efforts made by MBS Al-Islam in optimising the economic potential of the pesantren and the surrounding community. This research is a field research using qualitative approach method, and analysed using descriptive analysis method. The data sources in this study used primary data sources in the form of information from interviews with pesantren administrators, and secondary data obtained from reading journals and theories relevant to this research. The data collection method was carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data is processed as scientific rules in general to answer the formulation of predetermined problems


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Rizky Rizal Pahlevi, Direktur MBS Al-Islam Paleran

Bagus Kurniawan, Pengajar di MBS Al-Islam Paleran


