Implementation of Internal Control In Achieving Good Governance at Stellar Powerhouse Branch Jember


  • Siti Maria Wardayati University of Jember
  • Arief Hidayatullah University of Jember
  • Mohammad Fiqkri University of Jember
  • Fransiska Mareta Irwani University of Jember
  • Nadya Astadewi Abdullah University of Jembe



Governance, Internal Auditing, Internal Control


Implementation of internal control to achieve good governance has a very important role. It is not limited to large corporations even small business operators must also implement internal controls to achieve good corporate governance. Failure to implement internal controls can lead to deviations and the possibility of fraudulent activities, which could ultimately lead to the company's bankruptcy. By implementing these internal controls, it is expected that the company can assess its strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the company is also expected to identify threats and opportunities within its operations, which can be valuable for future business processes. This research employs a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, focusing on Stellar Powerhouse in Jember Regency as the research subject. The results of this study aim to elucidate the internal controls that Stellar Powerhouse has implemented in its pursuit of effective corporate governance.


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