Home Visit As A Learning Advisory Service Model In The Covid-19 Pandemic Time


  • Siti Nursyamsiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember




Home Visit, Tutoring;, Covid-19


During the Covid-19 pandemic, home visits were a solution in providing tutoring services at Elementary School Muhammadiyah Kasiyan, Puger District, Jember Regency. This activity is carried out through planning, implementing, evaluating, controlling programs and making activity reports. In supporting the success of this school program, it is necessary to have interactive communication between teachers and students. Furthermore, family support is needed to create a comfortable family environment in learning. The impacts of the home visit are increasing the knowledge and changing students’ behavior in term of habit of worship as well as the fluency in reading the Al-Quran. The inhibiting factors for this activity are the students' lack of awareness to learn, the less parental support, the television shows, the playmates, the schedules that have not been agreed yet and the lack of teacher commitment in teaching.


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