Design Payroll Accounting Information System Using Microsoft Access Systems


  • Syafrillia Nabila Zamzami Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Yulinartati Yulinartati Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Ari Sita Nastiti Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



payroll accounting information system design, Microsoft Access, employee payroll system analysis procedures


This study aims to analyze the payroll systems and procedures applied and to design a payroll accounting information system on CV. Jewel of Asia Jember. The design of this payroll accounting information system uses the system development life cycle design method which has several stages, namely the stages of system analysis, conceptual design, physical design, implementation and conversion, operation and maintenance. Based on the findings of the payroll system in CV. Permata Asia Jember still uses a manual system and inaccurate salary calculations. thus causing the payroll system to be complicated. CV. Permata Asia Jember uses attendance card documents, employee payrolls, salary recaps and salary envelopes that still use a manual system, a function that runs on the CV. Permata Asia is an administrative and financial function. The author's contribution raises the topic of designing a payroll accounting information system using the Microsoft Access application. This can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of employee performance and make payroll reports more accurate so that fraud occurs nor will it happen to CV. Jewel of Asia Jember. Apart from that, with the development of a payroll application system using Microsoft Access, inputting data is even easier and faster.


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