The Effect of Working Hours and Work Discipline in Reviewing Employee Performance


  • Putri Munggarani Soeryanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Tanggerang
  • Anggaraini Soemadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Tanggerang



Working Hours, Discipline, Employee Performance


This study purpose to determine the effect of working hours and work discipline on employee performance. Data collection was carried out using the questionnaire method with the sampling technique using the non-probability sampling method. Respondents in this study were 50 production employees. Data analysis in this study used SmartPLS 4.0 to test the hypothesis with the PLS approach, carried out in two stages, namely testing the inner model and outer model. The outer model test is carried out to prove the validity and reliability of all indicators for each variable. The inner model test is carried out to test between variables according to the hypothesis. The results of the study partially show that working hours have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, while work discipline has no effect on employee performance. Basically, the higher the discipline of employees, the higher the performance of employees, because usually employees have high disciplinary behavior, they feel responsible for the work or regulations made by the company, if employees comply with all company regulations, the company can realize its goals.


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