Storytelling Marketing Strategy Of Tiktok In Creating Brand Awareness At The @Icgalbrand Online Store


  • Fivei Rahmadhani Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Aris Gumilar Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Abdul Rauf Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang



Storytelling, Digital Marketing, Brand Awareness


This study aims to find out the formulation of the marketing strategy for segmenting, targeting, and Positioning , the supporting factors and obstacles in managing the Tiktok application, and the application of the storytelling marketing strategy in creating brand awareness at the Icgalbrand online store. Icgalbrand is a handmade accessories online shop that introduces its business through TikTok. The shared content is expected to increase audience awareness. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method, and the data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The triangulation of data sources is a data analysis technique. The results showed that the implementation of a marketing strategy in the form of storytelling through the Icgalbrand TikTok account succeeded in leaving an impression on the audience and was able to increase the number of viewers so that some of them were interested in using Icgalbrand products. The storytelling strategy steps carried out by Icgalbrand include taking advantage of the emotional side of consumers, creating unique and interesting stories, and using the V-A-K approach. Icgalbrand content has also fulfilled the TRUTH elements, namely Topical, Relevant, Unusual, troublesome, and Human, which can make storytelling in marketing more effective.


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