The Role of Provision in Handling Crime Case Through Social Media


  • Juariyah Juariyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Santi Dwi Putri Amalia Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



role of public relations, ; social media crime education


This study aims to determine the program, the use of media, and obstacles in handling crime cases of buying and selling online through social media. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods obtained from primary and secondary data through observation, interviews and documentation. The author raises the theme of public relations because public relations is the mouthpiece of an agency, then the agency must establish public relations that can improve the image of the agency and can be a medium for disseminating information to the public. Jember Police Public Relations also has a program as a center for information services to the public. Media that is often found in criminal cases that is not only via social media accounts but many are also found through online trading applications. There are 3 constraints faced by the Jember police station, namely, the difficulty of tracking down perpetrators who are also accustomed to using other people's identities, the difficulty of opening accounts of perpetrators due to bureaucratic licensing and limited special tools where investigators cannot mention the intended tools..


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