Bank NTB Syariah And Bank Jatim Consolidation Plan : SWOT Analysis


  • Bambang Bambang University of Mataram
  • Isti Fadah University of Jember



Bank, Capital, Consolidation, SWOT


his research is related to the consolidation plan of Bank NTB Syariah and Bank Jatim. Both banks are motivated by the fulfillment of POJK 12. The POJK encourages the presence of strong and efficient banking. The purpose of this study is to identify the SWOT of PT Bank NTB Syariah and PT Bank PT Bank Jatim, within the framework of the consolidation / Bank Business Group. Use secondary data to perform a SWOT analysis. The results showed that  Bank NTB and Bank Jatim have philosophical similarities born as Regional Banks, which have uniqueness. In the context of fulfilling POJK 12, Bank Jatim has the capital capacity and regulatorily allows it to become a consolidation forum with Bank NTB. Through the CONSOLIDATION forum, Bank Jatim together with Bank NTB can develop business in various regions in Indonesia and because Bank NTB is located in the West nusa tenggara region (NTB), the opportunities for regional economic growth in NTB, in particular, can be utilized and the weaknesses of each bank can be overcome. Through CONSOLIDATION, Bank NTB accelerates the achievement of Bank NTB's vision to become the pride of the community. Each bank has a focus on improving business processes, product development, professional HR management, and strengthening digital business. Stakeholders hopefully both get more value from the KBU process of Bank NTB and Bank Jatim.


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