The Influence Of Lifestyle And Financial Literacy On The Financial Management Of Young Workers


  • Asriana Permata Sari Universitas Muhammadiyah Tanggerang
  • Metha Dwi Apriyanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Tanggerang



Lifestyle, Financial Literacy, Financial Management


The importance of financial knowledge and the lifestyle of the younger generation can influence how the younger generation manages their finances. This study aims to see whether Lifestyle and Financial Literacy can influence the Financial Management of Young Workers. The research method used where the sample was obtained by the non-probability sampling method using the Slovin formula and a total of 88 samples were obtained which were used as respondents. Data processing used SPSS 25. Partially Lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on Financial Management, and Financial Literacy has a significant positive effect to Financial Managers. A good lifestyle will also reflect good financial management, while good knowledge of finance will help young workers in managing their finances.


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