MSME Marketing Strategy in Rural Areas During The Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Feti Fatimah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Nursaidah Nursaidah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



strategy, marketing, msmes, rural, covid-19


The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all areas. At the global economic level, the COVID-19 pandemic has a very significant impact on the domestic, state and MSME economies. In order for MSMEs to survive must be able to determine their strategies in order to survive, one of which is the marketing strategy. The condition of MSMEs in the middle of the pandemic continues to decrease in capacity, ranging from production capacity to decreased income, this is also the case in MSMEs in rural areas of Jember Regency. MSMEs in this rural area absorb a lot of labor and as the lifeblood of the economy in the village. So it is necessary to immediately determine a suitable marketing strategy to stay afloat and develop during the covid 19 pandemic. This research uses qualitative type method. The research was carried out in jember regency with research object in the form of MSMEs in rural areas. Collecting data using participation observation techniques with explorative steps is to perform one of the qualitative data collection techniques recommended to obtain descriptive data. The data sources used are primary data in the form of MSME observations in rural areas of Jember district and secondary data in the form of data collected, processed and presented by other parties in the form of books and the results of previous research on MSMEs. After participatory observations and reviewing existing documents, it will be analyzed in the field data related to the theory, opinions of experts and the results of previous research. Based on the SWOT Matrix, S-O strategies that can be recommended include: 1) Conducting product innovations in accordance with market needs and desires, 2) Forming their own brand image without supporting other brands. Recommended W-O strategies include: 1) Introducing products to other regions by utilizing information technology, 2) Differentiation to improve product life cycle, 3) Finding marketing systems other than contingency systems. S-T strategies that can be recommended are: 1) Strengthening / accentuating regional characteristics, 2) Establishing good relationships with customers. Recommended W-T strategies include: 1) Product packaging innovation with brand specificity, 2) Introducing business areas through product clusters.


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