Differentiated Learning in Diverse Students to Meet Curriculum Targets


  • Intan Putri Nur Zulaikha Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Anita Fatimatul Laeli Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember




Differentiated learning, curriculum fulfillment


The diversity of students in the classroom also indicates the diversity of their needs. Recognizing the needs of different student’s curriculum targets are adjusted based on developmental phases. To accommodate the diverse needs of students differentiated learning needs to be done in the classroom. Differentiated learning is an effort to adjust the learning process according to the readiness of students, interests, and student profiles obtained by educators from the results of diagnostic assessments. The objective of this paper is to compile a range of literature pertaining to how the practice of differentiated learning can align with the objectives set by the curriculum. The literature cited in this paper, which focuses on differentiated learning, comprises works that were published between 2018 and 2022. The findings from a review of several pieces of literature on differentiated learning indicate that differentiated learning can be done in one aspect or four aspects, there are content, process, product, and learning environment. Additionally, differentiated learning can increase students' motivation and engagement in the learning process. However, the effective implementation of differentiated learning requires a planned approach that is tailored to the context and characteristics of the class as well as the abilities and needs of the students.


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