The Application of Learning Media based-Magic Box to Improve Learning Outcomes in Islamic History Material


  • Nurul Azizah Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Neri Wijayanti Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Jihan Safitri Universitas Darussalam Gontor



Magic Box-based Learning Media, learning outcomes, Islamic History material


Learning outcomes have an essential role as a measuring tool for achieving the goals of learning activities. However, there is still material below the average value, one of which is Islamic history material, because the learning seems monotonous, so some students are not focused and lack attention, making it difficult to understand the lesson. This study aimed to increase students' activity and learning outcomes in Islamic history material in class 2 I KMI at Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School. The research method used classroom action research with the model Kemmis and McTaggart. Applying Magic Box learning media in class 2I in Islamic history subjects at Darussalam Gontor Boarding school produces the following research results: 1) student activeness In cycle 1 reached a percentage of 75.2%;  in cycle 2, the increase in student activity reached 83.5%. The comparison of increased active learning cycles 1 and 2 is 30%. 2). Students who got scores above the average, In cycle 1, students who got scores above the average, namely 23 out of 40, reached 57.5% of all students with an average of 45.75. In cycle 2, students got scores above the average, namely 36 out of 40, achieving 90% of all students with an average of 74.25. The comparison of increased student learning outcomes in cycles 1 and 2 is 35%.


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