The Use of Website-Based PBL Model to Improve the Interest and Motivation in Learning Class X Students


  • Annisa Ulul Azmi Salam Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Kurtis Sita Warsita Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 3 Jember



Deskriptif kuantitatif, questionnaire, flipbook, liveworksheet, wordwall


Understanding the material to be delivered and having the right teaching strategy will create a good teaching and learning process by using an interesting learning model so as to increase students' interest in learning in taking lessons and completing assignments given by the teacher (Gulo, 2022). Based on this statement, the use of E-LKPD, flipbook, liveworksheet, wordwall, Canva aims to increase students' interest and motivation in learning. The data collection technique aims to get complete, concrete and real data for the intended class, then I found some unique things that can be further investigated related to interest and motivation to learn. The technique used to obtain the data is to use a test instrument in the form of a post test on Biology material. This data analysis technique uses simple quantitative research with the help of Microsoft Excel. This data processing is done by calculating the average of the overall post test scores. The indicator of success in this study is if the activities of students in each cycle experience an increase and learning outcomes reach the Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning(KKM), which is ≥ 77 (Arisandi. 2022). in cycle 1 there were only 9 students whose posttest scores showed a completeness score, which exceeded the Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning(KKM) score. In cycle II there were 14 students whose grades exceeded the Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning(KKM) score, and in cycle III there were 19 students whose grades exceeded the Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning(KKM) score.


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