The Effect of Using Liveworksheets Learning Media on Student Interests and Learning Outcomes in Ecosystem Material


  • Gahpria Laily Zamzam Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Sawitri Komarayanti
  • M Zaenal Mahfud SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember



The effect of live worksheets, students' interests, learning outcomes


This study aims to determine the effect of using live worksheets learning media on students' interests and learning outcomes in ecosystem material. This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, and the research subject was students of class X A at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember. Based on the observations result, the students in class X A had a low interest in learning biology which affected student learning outcomes. The low interest in learning biology among students can be influenced by several factors, one of those is the use of learning media considered less attractive. One of the learning media that can attract students' interest in learning is live worksheets. Live worksheets are an application that can display material in the form of videos, images, and other interesting symbols that can increase students' interest and enthusiasm for learning. According to the results, the research was done in two cycles, liveworksheets learning media could increase students' learning interest and based on analysis of learning outcomes data in each cycle showed an improvement in learning outcomes.


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