The Implementation of School-Based Management in the Merdeka Curriculum of the Sekolah Penggerak Program in Bima City


  • Mohamad Mustari Universitas Negeri Mataram



School-based management, Merdeka curriculum, Sekolah Penggerak


This research examines the application of School-Based Management (SBM) in the context of the Merdeka curriculum used in the Driving School Program (or Program Sekolah Penggerak, PSP, in Indonesian) in Bima City. Qualitative research was conducted in 20 randomly selected PSP schools, using secondary data and descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The findings indicate that SBM remains relevant in meeting the demands of the community, as it grants schools autonomy to involve community members in decision-making and manage their own resources. Schools are able to allocate resources according to their needs and priorities, based on strategic and operational plans, and develop an organizational culture that reflects local values. This approach encourages community participation, helps to develop the quality of education, and promotes the formation of students with strong character through the application of noble values specific to the community in which the school is located. Overall, the study highlights the importance of SBM in promoting effective school management and improving the quality of education.


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