Anger Management in Pendhalungan Adolescents


  • Erna Ipak Rahmawati Ipak Rahmawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Ria Wiyatfi Linsia Wiyatfi Linsia Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember



Anger management, angry emotions, adolescent of Pandhalungan


Teenagers are often faced with situations of conflict that give rise to a response for adolescents. The response is indicated by a form of emotional expression. Anger emotions are one of emotion that is often experienced by adolescents. Therefore, Anger management can be said as one of the ways that someone can use to express or manage their anger. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of anger management in adolescent of pandhalungan. This research is a descriptive quantitative study with a total sample of 328 people, while the data collection technique is using accidental sampling. The results showed that adolescents of pandhalungan at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember had a category of anger management that was relatively low at 57.6%. Meanwhile, based on cognitive aspects, 54.9% were in the low category, anger triggering aspects 52.7% were in the high category, aspects of anger behavior 75.6% were in the low category, and anger regulation aspect 84.1% were in the high category. When viewed from a demographic review shows that 77.8% of men are in the high category in anger management and 67.3% of women are in the low category. Based on semester, semester 2 shows 74.7% in the high category and semester 4 shows 75.9% in the low category


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