Social Media Analysis In Attracting Tourists

Case Study: Gunung Pasang Panti-Jember


  • Ratih Octaviri Yosita Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan
  • Siti Husnul Hotima Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan
  • Devi Fatmawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan
  • Moh. Wahyu Agung Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan
  • Lucky Dwi Citra Yulia Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan



promotion strategy, social media, traveler


Tourism promotion is one of the important keys for the success of efforts to increase the number of tourist visits in a tourist attraction. In today's modern era, of course there is a more effective and efficient way of doing promotions, namely through social media. Mount Pasang Panti is an agro-tourism place that has natural beauty that is still preserved as well as an educational tourist spot that has a coffee factory, so that visitors can learn about the process from coffee cultivation to the production process. The more people who access social media, the greater the opportunity to promote a product or service to attract the attention of its users. Actually, the use of social media for pro-motion has long been used by business people. However, it is still unknown how the promotion was carried out to attract broad tourists to be interested in visiting Mount Pasang Panti through social media. This study aims to analyze the social media used by Gunung Pasang Panti in conducting promotions. The research method used is descrip-tive qualitative. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and docu-mentation. Based on the results of the study, it shows that Gunung Pasang Panti only uses WhatsApp and Facebook to carry out promotions, so it is less effective and effi-cient in attracting the number of tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to add other social media to expand the spread of promotion, it is hoped that later the number of visitors will increase with the addition of social media. It can be concluded that social media can be an alternative that is quite effective and efficient in carrying out promotions, besides saving costs it also makes it easier for every user to find updated information about the location they want to visit.


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