The Effect Of Product Attribute on Purchase Decision of Bata Brand Shoes On Trade Mark Bata Indonesia


  • Yani Dahliani STIE Mandala Jember
  • Wiwik Fitria Ningsih STIE Mandala Jember



Customer Behaviour, Product Attributes, Purchasing Decision, Marketing Management


Appereance  of Fashion is an attractive and profitable business option. Nowadays, Appereance  fashion is a need which reflect someone's character, since at the  first sight impression is very important and it can be reflected through fashion. An individual who gives a good first impression will make theirselves accepted, appreciated, and recognized by others. One fashion product which is essential to support the appearance fashion  is shoes. This research is motivated to find out whether there is a connection between product attributes with purchasing decisions on a product, particularly in this research is shoes, the study was conducted by examining the product attributes of brand shoes, Bata Product attribute is a product elements that are considered important by consumers and used as the basis for purchasing a product.  Number of aspects which affect consumer desicion in purchasing are brand, dealer, quantity, timing, and method of payment. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a descriptive and causal. Data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Sampling was conducted using probability sampling with simple random sampling technique, with the number of respondents as many as 75 respondents obtained from Slovin formula. Data were analyzed using descriptive and simple linier analysis. Based, on the results, the study show that the product atributes positively influenced consumer decision to do a purchase by 48.5% while the remaining 41.5% influenced by other factors which were not examined in this study.


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