Dual Missions in Ecotourism Management

(Case Study of Agro Tourism Management of PTPN XII Rengganis Gunung Gambir Sum-berbaru Jember)


  • Asmuni Asmuni Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Pembangunan Jember
  • Denis Irawan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Pembangunan Jember
  • Muhammad Dandi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Pembangunan Jember
  • Wahyu Indah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Pembangunan Jember




Ecotourism, Business alternative, Empowerment


This study examines the management of ecotourism as a business that has a dual mission. Alternative business management that balances a business-heavy orientation with its social goals. Basically, this ecotourism is not the core business but only a complementary business to the business-heavy of tea plantation. Even though ecotourism is a complementary business, it is able to provide a relatively stable business income and is profitable every year. On the other hand, this ecotourism business is more capable of providing social impacts for many communities. This study uses a qualitative method; conduct in-depth interviews and field observations, field observations and examine secondary data on the tourist destination of Gunung Gambir Jember Agrotourism. The findings of this study found that ecotourism is able to become a business alternative as independent form core business and tends to be profitable. This ecotourism business has a different market segment from its core business. This ecotourism business is able to absorb labor better, separate of labor plantation. The involvement of community groups both directly and indirectly in this business cycle shows that the empowerment model is happening and continues to run. It concludes that the management of ecotourism tourism by involving community groups around plantations to some extent is a business model that is not only profit-oriented. But this business model accommodates many people involved and is not abandoned.


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