Contextualization Of Educational Scriptures In Science Education As A Form Of Strengthening The Faith And Islamic Student


  • Siti Nursyamsiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Sawitri Komarayanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Ahmad Halid Jember Islamic University



Contextualization, Educational Verses, Learning Science, Faith, Islam


The reality of learning Science in schools is still urban. In the context of achieving the goals of education in the law, one of which is that students have religious spiritual strength and good morals, it is very important that science learning is contextualized with educational verses. Because with this contextualization model in each sub-theme of learning can strengthen understanding of the material theoretically and in general can increase the faith and Islam of students. One example, students are more grateful for the majesty of Allah and increasingly believe that science learning is still related to the Qur'an. This contextualization has been carried out by a science teacher at a Muhammadiyah 3 junior high school in Jember Regency by providing verses related to sub-themes. The purpose of contextualization is to strengthen the position of the material and explain the content of the verse related to the greatness of God in the creation of humans, nature, and the surrounding environment. Please note that science material is listed in the Qur'an such as the human reproductive system which has been clearly explained in the letter Al Mursalat verse 20, At Tariq verse 6, Al Insan verse 2, Al Mukminun verse 13-14, Al Haj verse 5, Noah verses 13-14. Teachers need to develop this learning model, starting with the preparation of a lesson plan (RPP) and material containing Islamic values and then implementing it in classroom learning.


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