The Self-compassion during Pandemic Covid-19: Cased in Jember District


  • Panca Kursistin Handayani University of Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Reza Fauzan Trias Sugiharto University of Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Nuraini Kusumaningtyas University of Muhammadiyah Jember



Self-compassion, Pandemi Covid-19, Jember District


Policy of restrictions on activity during pandemic covid-19 has a negative psychological impact. Thus, the need for good self-management so as not to cause stress, anxiety in the face of pandemics. One of the self-management used by improving self-compassion. Self-compassion is an attitude to be able to be open, to be aware of mistakes that occur to yourself, so as to positively interpret negative experiences. Self-compassion can increase the body's immunity, reducing anxiety. The purpose of this study is to describe the self-compassion of Jember people during the pandemic.The study used a descriptive quantitative approach with the subjects of covid-19 affected communities in Jember, numbering 349 respondents. The data collection method uses questionnaires with purposive sampling techniques, adapted from Neff's Self-compassion Scale (2003) containing 26 items with a total reliability of 0.93. The results showed that as many as 60 respondents (17%) people in Jember had moderate Self-compassion, with the highest percentage of Mindfullness aspect as many as 65 respondents (19%). While the lowest percentage in Isolation aspect is 60 (17%). Reviewed by gender, female subjects had a low self-compassion of 39 respondents (15%), compared to 14 male respondents (14%). Based on tribe, Madura has low self-compassion compared to other tribes, 12 respondents (18%). Based on the results of the research, it can be used as a reference for related parties to form community intervention programs based on internal strengthening and spirituality, and the community can understand the importance of mental health through self-compassion.


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