The Effect Of The Russia-Ukraine War On Stock Price Vola-tility Of State-Owned Companies In The Mining Sub-Sector On The Indonesia Stock Exchange


  • Nely Supeni STIE Mandala Jember
  • Istifadah Istifadah University of Jember
  • Intan Nurul Awwaliyah University of Jember



Oil, Gold, Stock Prices Volatility, State-Owned Companies, Indonesia Stock Exchange


The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of world oil prices with world gold prices on stock price volatility in state-owned mining sub-sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used is secondary data. The sampling technique is a census technique, so the number of samples used in the study is four companies. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis performed twice, the first to determine the influence of independent variables on dependent variables one month before the war, then the second analysis to determine the influence of independent variables on dependent variables one month of the first month of the war. After the analysis was done twice, then the results of the analysis were compared. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it was obtained that: (1) During the month before the war, world oil prices did not have a significant effect on stock price volatility in state-owned mining sub-sector companies, while world gold prices had a significant effect. (2) During the month of the war, world oil prices had a significant effect on stock price volatility in state-owned mining sub-sector companies, while world gold prices had no effect.


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