Students’ Perception toward the Use of Tiktok Videos for Learning English


  • Millenia Syamsiani 1Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Rahmi Munfangati Ahmad Dahlan University



perception, English Learning, TikTok Video, challenges


: Currently learning English is starting to be applied with various methods. Learning follows the times. As it is now done using various media, one of which is TikTok videos. The existence of learning English using Tiktok videos makes various student perceptions appear. This study aims to understand students' perceptions and the challenges students face in using TikTok videos for learning English. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were three fourth semester students of the Ahmad Dahlan University English Education Department. The researcher tried to interview the three participants who were considered appropriate because the researcher found several fourth semester students who used tiktok videos to learn English. The result of this study is that there are various positive and negative perceptions among students about the use of TikTok videos for learning English. Apart from that, there are also various challenges when students use TikTok videos to learn English.


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